Proposal for Researched Critical Analysis Paper
Topic Number: 5
Thesis: In the novel, Soon I Will Be Invincible Fatale’s body is perceived differently that of the
body of other female superheroes which can lead to having negative psychological impacts on who
she becomes as a superhero.
Close Readings:
Soon I Will Be Invincible by Austin Grossman
Investigating the engendered Superhero Body by Aaron Taylor
• Freud’s Theory of Development
• Polymorphous
• Body Image
• Duality
• Cultural
1. Why do superheroes look the way they do?
2. What psychological aspect impacts a superhero?
3. What goes through the mind of the author when creating a superhero?
4. How can superheroes bodies be similar or different from that of normal individuals?
In the article about “Investigating the engendered Superhero Body”, it spoke about how the
environment that one grew up in contribute to how their body is perceived by others. It also states
that a superhero body is created to express one’s inner desire to look a certain way. Their body is
meant to be appealing to the opposite sex. In the novel, Fatale does not seem to be comfortable in
her own body since she would often compare herself to Damsel. Fatale is also experiencing
psychological issue which can negatively impact her life as a superhero.
Work Citation
Grossman, Austin. Soon I Will Be Invincible. Vintage Books, 2008. Taylor, Aaron. “He’s Gotta’ Be Strong and He’s Gotta’ Be Fast and He’s Gotta’ Be Larger Than Life: Investigating the Engendered Superhero Body.” The Journal of Popular Culture,