“Harlem” by Langston Hughes
In the poem “Harlem”, Langston Hughes used the literary devices denotation and connotation to shed light on the concept of having a deferred dream which led me to understand the author’s tone. A deferred dream is defined as a dream that has been either delayed or placed on hold by an individual. For example, according to the poem “Harlem”, it states, “Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore…” (lines 2-4). This implies that one’s perception of a dream that has been deferred can be compared to that of raisins because the once juicy, fresh, and delicious grape is now shriveled because it was placed in the sun. This can be compared to a deferred dream because once an individual put their dream on hold and it has been on hold for a long-time overtime that dream is going to become an unobtainable and lack substance. In addition, the word ‘soar’ means the cause of severe or intense pain or being in distressed. Based on the denotation of this word it has a negative connotation because when one thinks of the words ‘fester like a sore’ especially when it is pertaining to a dream one would think of a sore that has become infected and is causing one pain and distress since they were unable to accomplish their dream. Therefore, to prevent having a deferred dream people should fight against the obstacles that they face to attain their dream.
Furthermore, the characteristics of having a deferred dream can be different depending on the individual and their dream. Hughes poem described a range of characteristics of a deferred dream. For instance in the poem, it states, “Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over like a syrupy sweet?” (lines 6-8). These lines describe that when an individual has a deferred dream it can carry a stench of ‘rotten meat’ because they have been carrying around their dream for a long time. The word stink has a negative connotation because when an individual thinks of the word they think of a revolting smell that burns their nose. The literal definition of the word stink is having a strong unpleasant smell. Thus, when one regards a deferred dream as stink like rotten meat then it means that the dream has been chased after for too long and it now has had a negative impact on the health of the owner. However, some people might have a dream that is enticing and sweet when accomplished so it is considered ‘syrupy sweet’. The word sweet means having the pleasant taste characteristic of sugar or honey; not salty, sour, or bitter. This suggests that a deferred dream can sometimes be sweet even if must be delayed. Additionally, sometimes when one has a dream that they really want to achieve it can be mouthwatering although it has not been accomplished yet. Overall, the characteristics of a deferred dream come in different forms, shapes, sizes, and smells.
Critic Arthur P. Davis writes, “When [Hughes] depicts the hopes, the aspirations, the frustrations, and the deep-seated discontent of the New York ghetto, he is expressing the feelings of Negroes in black ghettos throughout America,”(Osbourne, Boghani). I agree with Davis conclusion of this poem because his word choice helps to convey both his hopelessness and a hint of anger of the black community having deferred dreams. Just imagining the oppressive period in which this poem was written is depressing because even though the people may have hopes and dreams in life they were unattainable. Hence, having the desire to achieve something in life but knowing that it cannot be accomplish can become maddening.
Works Cited
Osborne, Kristen. Boghani, A. ed. “Langston Hughes: Poems “Harlem” Summary and Analysis”. GradeSaver, 8 February 2014 Web. 16 September 2018.
Hughes, Langston. “Harlem by Langston Hughes.” Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation, www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46548/harlem.