Literacy Narrative Self-Assessment
When I was first told about this assignment, I already had an idea of what I wanted my narrative to be about. I wanted to talk about my experience with education and how that experience has shaped me. Over the course of completing this narrative, I was able to identify my weak area (precision) and my strong area (narrative arc). Hence, completing this assignment has helped me to further understand the importance of rhetorical situations.
Being an advocate for education, I wanted individuals of all age, but especially those of school age to understand the value of their education. For instance, children in the least developed countries such as Somalia, Cambodia, and Bangladesh would have loved to have the opportunity to attend school. These children would have used the resources they were given wisely unlike those in America who use the resources carelessly. Therefore, the exigence of writing this can be found in my narrative when I stated that coming from a developing world country allowed me used all the resources that were given to me sensibly, knowing that it would help me become successful.
During the construction of my narrative, I had trouble with being precise. I was not able to say what was needed without the use of unnecessary words. As a result, I went over the word count limit. Next time I will try to use more concise language to shorten the word count. On the other hand, I think I did a good job with the narrative arc because there were many ups and downs within the storyline. Throughout, this process I have learned that asking for help shows strength and determination. Additionally, reading other literacy narratives helped me gain clarity on what was required for my narrative. Having to partake in peer editing helped as well because my peers and I were able to read each other’s work and give constructive feedbacks. With the use of Blackboard, I was able to read about the importance of rhetorical situation and how it can be used in my writings.
Looking forward, I hope to become a better writer in different genres of writing. Overall, I enjoyed completing this essay because I got a chance to remember where I am coming from and who I wish to become. Writing this narrative also serves as a reminder to do and be better in all that I do.